Statement of Belief

I believe in one God, who is Love and always acts in love, and in love created all that exists.

I believe in the Father God, who chose the people Israel through whom to bless the entire world, who acted in loving justice and compassion in the Exodus, who guided Israel in prophetic and purging love in the Exile, who loves the marginalized and oppressed, and who would be the God of all people, all nations, and all creation.

I believe in Jesus Christ, the perfect embodiment of the character of God, who entered into human history as a physical man for the sake of all humanity. He inaugurated the kingdom of God by preaching and embodying that kingdom, and ultimately signaled the end of the present age by his atoning death and victorious bodily resurrection.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the entity of love emanating between the father and son, extended to us as the power of God in the present of age, continually filling the earth with the divine presence with our participation.

I believe in the Church, the body of Christ universal and historical, who in community begin to live out the ethic of the kingdom of God in faithful witness to the current age, through formative worship engaged primarily in the sacraments of eucharist and baptism.

I believe in the canonical scriptures as divinely influenced literature, containing a variety of poetry, allegory, narrative, history and exposition, pointing us to the character and actions of this God in relation to us, always interpreted through the character shown us in Christ.

I believe that creation is in a fallen state as a result of sin, due to our free-will, characterized by broken relationship between us and God, between each other, and between us and creation; and those institutions of power that God created to serve humanity have fallen to the point of enslaving humanity, and that such evil is more than the sum of its parts.

I believe that eventually the kingdom will be fully realized in a restored and renewed earth, in which all humanity now will participate in perfect harmony with God, each other, and all creation.

I believe in an eventual judgment, in which the individual is fully unmasked and unveiled before God, and that the destiny of the individual will be decided by God in perfect justice, in accordance with God’s character of love.

I believe that salvation is the individual decision to become a citizen of the kingdom of God, that sanctification is the ongoing refinement toward the image of God, and that a Christian ethic is that which intentionally reflects the loving, risking, peaceful character of God, who makes all of these events possible.


This is an ongoing “credo” project. For each statement here, there are at least several pages of further explanation, detailing what I mean and how I came to believe it. If you would like more depth on any of these, feel free to ask and I would be happy to share. A goal of mine is to keep coming back to this project and update it, or even correct it as my understanding refines over time through deeper learning.

6 thoughts on “Statement of Belief

  1. You never mentioned anything about Hell or final judgment for sin, whats your thoughts? Very nice article thought, I like it.

  2. John Wesley defined “means of grace” quite broadly in his sermon of the same title. By his definition, this could include prayer and Bible reading. I’m not remembering right now whether he classes preaching in the same category. Rob Staples’ book, Outward Sign, Inward Grace gives a more technical definition of sacrament and why Protestants only have two. It’s a good place to start, to sharpen your own understanding.

  3. Overall, I like this statement, and its ongoing nature. The statement on destiny is interesting as well. As for worship, is it only sacramental? Is there a place for preaching? If so, what is that place?

    1. I actually have a very high view of preaching, more so than a lot of people I’ve encountered. I think I would have to include that in a separate section on the edification of the church. I don’t know if I would call preaching a sacrament or not… I’ll have to do some more thinking on what exactly I mean by sacrament.

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